Issues on Applying low cost information technologies to foster development
This first WP2’s virtual discussion will take place on DWF's discussion forum from 16 to 21 March 09.
Focused on the Political, Economic, Cultural/Social, Legal & Technological Environmental issues that exist regarding the implementation of Low Cost Information Access devices in the developing world, this virtual discussion will aim to gather a wide range of multi-stakeholders to debate and exchange on this thematic, in order to help us to develop a Low Cost Information Access Roadmap.
Methodology: The discussion will start on 16/03 at 10 pm and will finish on 21/03 at 18 pm. Each 4 hours, we will submit a new question based on the precedent discussions. Each day, we will make a summary of the daily discussions. A RSS feed is available to get the latest discussions automatically.
The discussions will be moderated by Cleophas Dzinotyiweyi (CSIR), Jacob. B.Odame and Kafui Prebbie (One Village Foundation), Ayo Kusamotu (Kusamotu Kusamotu) and Adrien Mangin (Fundacion Cibervoluntarios).