Press Room
Press Releases:
- 11 March 2008: W3C to Examine Role of Mobile Technologies in Fostering Social Development (in English, French, Japanese, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish)
- 27 May 2008: W3C Seeks Partners to Explore Role of Mobile in Bridging Digital Divide (in English, French, Japanese, Greek, Portuguese, Spanish and Swedish)
- 25 November 2008: W3C Workshop in Africa to Explore the Role of Mobile Technologies For Development (in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Swedish)
- 26 May 2009: World Wide Web Consortium Launches Office In Senegal (in English, French, German, Spanish and Swedish)
- 11 September 2009: Media Advisory: Using Low-cost Technologies to "Connect the Unconnected"
(also available in French and Spanish) - 30 September 2009: Orange Labs presents a series of recommendations to promote braodband internet access in emreging countries
Press Articles - year 2008:
- Business Wire (11 March): W3C to Examine Role of Mobile Technologies in Fostering Social Development, W3C Mobile Web Initiative, mobile Web in developing countries, Stéphane Boyera
- Baguete (11 March): Seminário do debate tecnologia móvel, W3C Mobile Web Initiative, mobile Web in developing countries, Stéphane Boyera (in Portuguese)
- The Earth Times (12 March): W3C to Examine Role of Mobile Technologies in Fostering Social Development, W3C Mobile Web Initiative, mobile Web in developing countries, Stéphane Boyera
- InfonoNEWS (13 March): El W3C examina el El Papel de las Tecnologías Móviles en la Promoción del Desarrollo Social, W3C, Mobile Web, MW4D Brazil workshop, Stéphane Boyera (in Spanish)
- PR-Inside (13 March): W3C to Examine Role of Mobile Technologies in Fostering Social Development Workshop, W3C Mobile Web Initiative, Digital World Foruml Project, Stéphane Boyera
- Services Mobiles (16 April): Développement social pour les pays émergents, W3C MWI, MW4D workshop in Brazil (in French)
- Business Wire (27 May): W3C Seeks Partners to Explore Role of Mobile in Bridging Digital Divide, W3C Mobile Web Initiative, MW4D, Digital Web Forum, MW4D workshop
- (27 May 2008): W3C : réduire la fracture numérique grâce aux technologies mobiles, Jean-Pierre Largillet, W3C MWI, Digital World Forum, Mobile Web for Development (in French)
- NetEco (28 May 2008): Web mobile et développement : le W3C s'engage, Ariane Beky, W3C MWI, Mobile Web for Development, Digital World Forum (in French)
- ITWeek (28 May 2008): W3C hopes mobile will bring internet to the masses, David Neal, W3C MWI, Mobile Web for Development IG
- ITRManager (28 May 2008): Les technologies mobiles pour réduire la fracture numérique, W3C MWI, Mobile Web for Development, MW4D workshop (in French)
- ITWeek (3 June): W3C group looks to tackle digital divide, W3C, MW4D
- W News (4 June): Consórcio cria grupo de pesquisa sobre tecnologias móveis para inclusão digital no Brasil, Tatiana Schnoor, W3C MWI, Mobile Web for Development, Tim Berners-Lee (in Portuguese)
- Convergencia Digital (4 June): W3C cria grupo de pesquisas tecnológicas para inclusão digital e e-gov, Fernanda Ângelo, W3C MWI, Mobile Web for Development, Tim Berners-Lee (in Portuguese)
- B2B Magazine (5 June): Incentivo para a inclusão digital móvel, W3C MWI, Mobile Web for Development (in Portuguese)
- Convergencia Digital (5 June): W3C convida empresas brasileiras a integrarem o MW4D, Cristina De Luca, W3C MWI, Mobile Web for Development, Tim Berners-Lee (in Portuguese)
- Baguete (5 June): W3C: mobilidade e inclusão digital, W3C MWI, Mobile Web for Development IG (in Portuguese)
- Convergencia Digital (6 June): W3C e criam grupo de pesquisa para inclusão digital, W3C MWI, Mobile Web for Development (in Portuguese)
- it.Viikko (10 June): W3C rakentaa mobiilia siltaa digitaalisen kuilun yli, Tuomas Linnake, W3C MWI, MW4D (in Finnish)
- digitoday (10 June): W3C rakentaa mobiilia siltaa digitaalisen kuilun yli, Tuomas Linnake, W3C MWI, MW4D (in Finnish)
- CapGemini CTO Blog (23 June): W3C proposes new working group for the mobile internet,
- The Economist (4 September): The meek shall inherit the web, W3C, Mobile Web for Devlopment IG,MW4D workshop, Stéphane Boyera
- Expanding Horizons (13 September): Public Services gan go mobile (pages 4-7), W3C, eGovernement, MW4D, Digital World Forum, Stéphane Boyera
- ITR Manager (26 November): Le W3C s'intéresse au rôle des technologies mobiles dans les pays émergents, W3C, Digital World Forum
- (1 December): L’accès à Internet peut-il être le moteur du développement des pays défavorisés ?, W3C, Mobile Web, MW4D Maputo workshop, Digital World Forum (in French)
- InfoDev (10 December): W3C Workshop in Africa to Explore the Role of Mobile Technologies For Development, W3C, Mobile Web, MW4D Maputo workshop, Digital World Forum
Press Articles - year 2009:
- Programmez (2 January): Africa Perspective on the Role of Mobile Technologies in Fostering Social and Economic Development, W3C, MW4D Workshop (in French)
- Sofrecom (25 May): Digital World Forum : Atelier sur l'acès haut-débit à bas coût dans les pays en développement, DWF, Kampala workshop (in French)
- (26 May): Le W3C inaugure un bureau au Sénégal, W3C Senegal Office, Digital World Forum (in French)
- AlphaGalileo (27 May): Le W3C inaugure un bureau au Sénégal, W3C Senegal Office, Digital World Forum (in French)
- ITNews Australia (27 May): Mobiles key to bridging the digital divide, Phil Muncaster, W3C, MW4D Maputo workshop, MW4D Roadmap
- Jeune Afrique (28 May): Le Consortium W3C au Sénégal, W3C Senegal Office (in French)
- Straté (28 May): Sénégal : le World Wide Web ouvre son premier bureau en Afrique de l'Ouest, W3C Senegal Office (in French)
- La lettre de l'audiovisuel (29 May): Le W3C ouvre son premier bureau en Afrique de l'Ouest, W3C Senegal Office (in French)
- Communications Africa (1 June): Consortium Launches Office in Senegal, W3C Senegal Office
- Convergencia Digital (19 June): CEF se filia ao W3C Brasil, Cristina De Luca, W3C , Mobile Web for Development (in Portuguese)
- ITR Manager (1 September): Digital World Forum (in French)
- Trouw (10 September): Internet zal Afrika via de mobiele telefoon bereiken, Joost van Egmond, W3C, Senegal Office, Tim Berners-Lee (in Dutch)
- ERCIM News (15 September): Closing event of the Digital World Forum, DWF, Closing event
- Cordis Wire (11 September): Media Advisory: Use of Low-cost Technologies to "Connect the Unconnected"
- Marianne's Blog post (29 September): Digital World Forum, Bruxelles, DWF, Closing event
- Edu Bourse (30 September): Orange Labs présente une série de recommandations pour favoriser l'accès au haut-débit dans les pays émergeants, Digital World Forum, Closing event (in French)