Workshops - Past workshops
[WP3 Workshop] Low-cost Broadband & Infrastructure: Overview
Workshop on Low-cost Broadband Access & Infrastructure
Kampala, Uganda - May 4 and 5th 2009
1 - Introduction
Digital World Forum on Accessible and Inclusive ICT ('Digital World Forum') is a FP7 European project focusing on the use of ICT to leverage economic development in Africa and Latin America. Providing minimal services (health, education, business, government, etc.) to rural communities and under-privileged populations is of major importance to improve people’s lives, and to sustain development. Using ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) would be the easiest and possibly only way to develop and deploy those services.
The “Low-cost Broadband access and infrastructure” theme is part of a threefold dynamic, the 2 others being “Mobile Web” and “Low-cost laptops”. It proposes to take a pragmatic approach to the "last mile" issue, by assessing each key technological solution in the light of a typology of local contextual factors. The project focuses on wireless, non-satellite-based solutions, in order to stay in line with a stringent low-cost approach.
Africa as a whole is characterized by a very low penetration rate of fixed networks but a growing set of alternative technologies have emerged and could be used to serve the local loop: WiFi, WiMax, CDMA, HSPDA… These technologies raise hope for ambitious broadband access roll-outs through contained capital expenditure.
Having released a state-of-the art analysis of the broadband access and infrastructure domain (read the Executive Summary or the Full Report), the Digital World Forum is convening an international high level workshop on wireless access and infrastructure, due to take place in Uganda, on May 4 and 5th 2009.
Gathering manufacturers, service providers, carriers and academics, it is expected to release a set of recommendations. Based on those inputs as well as the state-of-the art analysis, a roadmap will be constructed, with a view to defining key appropriate initiatives to be undertaken at EU level.
A call for papers was released early January 2009, allowing a large range of players to put their views forward. These contributions will be published on line and provided to the Digital World Workshop participants, as an essential input.
2/ Agenda and presentations
Monday, May 4th
Welcome and presentation of the process, objectives: Jude Lubega (Makerere University), Bruno Conquet (FT Group / Orange Labs), and Thierry Devars (European Commission)
Research and teaching in Makarere university: Jude Lubega (Makerere University)
- What is at stake?
General issues to get cheaper broadband in developing countries:, an Indian perspective: Ashok Jhunjhunwala (IIT Madras)
Review of the different technologies available or under preparation: Philippe Mendribil (FT Group / Sofrecom)
An African perspective on broadband, the Wireless Africa projectAn African perspective on broadband, the Wireless Africa project: Chris Morris (Meraka Institute)
Technological assessment - Feed back from the questionnaires: a few striking points: Valérie Peugeot (FT Group / Sofrecom)
- General discussion focusing on:
- interaction between services and ICT R&D
- interactions between policy, regulation nd ICT R&D
- India’s experience: What can be a useful source of inspiration for African countries?
- Introductory presentations: Fisseha Mekuria (CSIR & Makerere University) and Christine Mugimba (UCC)
Tuesday, May 5th
Wireless World Research Forum's research agenda for Africa: Ashok Jhunjhunwala (IIT Madras)
Mobile Broadband Technology & Services: Sustainability Factors (presentation format): Fisseha Mekuria (CSIR & Makerere University)
Community Wireless Networks: Low cost broadband access and infrastructure, the CWRC Experience (presentation format): Dorothy Okello, Julius Butime and Peterson Mwesiga (Makerere University)
Presentation of the first day discussion outputs: Max Francisco (FT Group / Orange Labs)
General conclusions and next steps: Jude Lubega and Bruno Conquet
3/ Call for papers: selected contributions
Mobile Broadband Technology & Services: Sustainability Factors (Text Format)
Fisseha Mekuria (PhD.)Community Wireless Networks: Low cost broadband access and infrastructure (text format) - The CWRC Experience
Dorothy Okello (Ph.D), Julius Butime (Ph.D), Peterson MwesigaResearch Directions for low cost satellite communications: Building blocks for ridging the Digital Divide in Rural and Developing Countries
Christine Leurquin (SES), Antonio Bove (SES ASTRA)Bandwidth Optimization
Sergio J. Castro, CETyS UniversityBuilding and Managing a Cost Effective FBWA Business
Robert Aouad (ISOCEL Telecom), Josefino PALOMA (Latitude Broadband Inc)
4 - Executive summary of the workshop
Information and contact:
Bruno Conquet This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it Tel. + 33 1 45 29 45 01